"Monsters" Show - Artworks, Kenosha -- $10 fee, up to 3 pieces. Monster theme. Art due by September 9th. Closing reception/costume party on October 31st.
John Wayne Art Show- The Nook, Kenosha -- Free to enter (I think). John Wayne-inspired art. Prospectus coming near the end of the month.
2nd Annual Advent Art Show - Pollard Gallery, Kenosha -- $10 entry fee. Juried Exhibition (1st place gets a 2-month show.) Opening Reception: November 8th, 5 - 8pm
More info about Kenosha-area art events at
"Monsters" Show - Artworks, Kenosha -- $10 fee, up to 3 pieces. Monster theme. Art due by September 9th. Closing reception/costume party on October 31st.
John Wayne Art Show- The Nook, Kenosha -- Free to enter (I think). John Wayne-inspired art. Prospectus coming near the end of the month.
2nd Annual Advent Art Show - Pollard Gallery, Kenosha -- $10 entry fee. Juried Exhibition (1st place gets a 2-month show.) Opening Reception: November 8th, 5 - 8pm
More info about Kenosha-area art events at