September 24, 2009

Bloody Butcher and Boobie Tassels

These things are apparently what come out of me after I paint an adorable children's book cover and an adorable baby portrait right in a row.

It's kinda like needing to listen to one or two Notorious B.I.G. songs after a marathon of Jack Johnson.
ANYWAYS,"Slaughterman" and "The Bird" were both finished in a frenzy last week. They're now for sale at Artworks for the "Monster" show (Sept. 27- Oct. 31) but you can see them here .

Florence Parry Heide Day

Florence Parry Heide is a Kenosha author who has written about 97 million children's books.

On Sept. 26th, the mayor declared it 'Florence Parry Heide Day' -- and a week prior, a bunch of local artists painted her book covers on the windows at Heim's Toy Store.

I painted her newest one, Princess Hyacinth: The Surprising Tale of A Girl Who Floated with illustration by Lane Smith.

And...this picture didn't make it into the newspaper, but Sean Krajacic took this badass picture of my hand ---->

September 12, 2009


Just finished this oil portrait commission.

This little guy's name is Paxten and his aunt is giving him this painting for his 1st birthday.

(We added his favorite stuffed monkey and matched the background to his nursery.)

Happy 1st Paxten! Better keep this hanging in your room until you're 45!

September 1, 2009

Mad Men, Oprah... Holy Crap

I don't know how this happened but I'm going to the Oprah show on Thursday. And the Mad Men cast will be there. 

AND—on TOP of that—the show has a '60s theme and the entire audience has to dress for the era, meaning I get to dress up in one of my vintage dresses. 

 Needless to say, this is the best thing ever and I am one lucky bastard. Couldn't contain my excitement this week, so I painted up a picture of my Mad Men dreamboat, Donald Draper. 
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<--------- span=""> **Update!** The episode will air Monday, Sept. 21. I'm the super excited girl in 2nd row/center.