Brigitta Richter expertly hanging my stuff |
Sold FOUR paintings. WOO!
Getting crunk on champagne at the opening |
Bill Robbins of the Kenosha News did a great article about the show |
I'm taking a month or so off from all art-related things because I am burned out and because I'm selling Breaking Bad Halloween costumes. In late September, I realized that no one was selling Breaking Bad costumes, so I bought a few cases of yellow hazmat suits and the month has been a blur of shipments to Ireland and the UK.
Since all of my paintings are at the Pollard Gallery right now, my art studio has become my shipping headquarters.
I used a little bit of my eBay profits thus far to renew my website address. For a short time, anyone who typed "" was being directed to this young lady with search suggestions like: "Carmen Electra", "Drew Barrymore", and "Playboy Single". Should I be flattered? I am.